Resources for Our Community
Working for bird conservation.

Bird diversity results from varied habitats of diverse conifer forests, Cascade range foothills and oak-savannah, rare Siskiyou pine barrens, and the Rogue River basin’s riparian corridors. The network of habitats and species is supported by a rich conservation community.The Rogue Valley Audubon Society is glad to work alongside other community leaders in bird conservation and education, drawing inspiration from the local biodiversity.
The Community
- Klamath Bird Observatory
- Kalmiopsis Audubon Society
- Portland Audubon
- Redwood Region Audubon Society
- Klamath Basin Audubon Society
- Point Blue (Formerly PRBO) – Avian Data Center
- Oregon Conservation Strategy
- Feather Atlas
Learn: Education
Feature: Birding in the Schools , school based programing and birding field trips with Rogue Valley Audubon Society Klamath Bird Observatory Curriculum Lesson Plans for Educators Place-based Curriculum Kits Fall in the Field, placed-based programming with Siskiyou Environmental Education Center at Southern Oregon University Education Programs Siskiyou Field Institute
The Experience
- Winter Wings Festival
- Humbolt Bay Bird Observatory – Godwit Days
- Pacific Birding and Blues Festival
Bird Shops
Rogue Valley Audubon members save money at the Medford Wild Birds Unlimited store. Here are the details.